Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic pain in various parts of the body, both
above and below the waist and a heightened response to pain or pressure.
Fibromyalgia may include great fatigue, troubled sleep and cognitive inefficiency.
Because fibromyalgia may take on such a varied appearance and may include a
number of different experiences it is often referred to as the Fibromyalgia
syndrome or FMS. Psychological difficulties such as anxiety or depression are
commonly present. The current body of research does not make it clear whether
the mood disorders precede the onset of fibromyalgia or are the result of having
fibromyalgia and all its discomforts and limitations.
The overwhelming majority of people who are troubled by fibromyalgia are
Fibromyalgia has aroused scientific and professional controversy as to it’s cause
and to it’s treatment. Chemical therapies have helped some people but others
are bothered by the side effects and the limited amount of symptom reduction.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has been shown to be moderately effective.
I will try to stay in touch with the professional literature on fibromyalgia and will
post my findings on this site.